The constant changes, customer complaints, daily posting, the ads… it never ends! The good news is we make it a whole lot easier! From 24/7 monitoring and customer responses to content creation and daily posting, we literally do it all (i.e. we do what everyone else won’t) 😉
SCENE: It’s 8p on a Saturday and a customer complains on your Facebook page… who answers? If the answer is you (or your Store Manager), stop the madness now! At Hipbone Marketing, we have someone on our team monitoring and responding to all social media traffic, every day, 7 days a week. Yes, that means nights and weekends too! #resaledontsleep
According to the social media webinar from the corporate company of our Partners, reply rates really affect business. They said that 80% of people expect a response within 24 hours, and if you do respond quickly, you will see a 49% turnover rate of people who direct message us to go shopping in the store. Well, we have amazing news. We are in the 94th percentile for response rate! Our team works hard to reply to customers with the best information, as quickly as possible.
We tell the story that needs to be told.
So. Much. Time! When you went to discovery day did anyone tell you that managing social media would become a part time job for you or your team? We have a plan to help you navigate these confusing waters.
Here’s how we see it; social media is an important part of your business, but it’s not the most important part. What it is, from a marketing perspective, is the part you tend to notice the most. You get those incessant notifications on your phone. A new message. How many likes? Ahhhh, you can’t escape it!
We can take some of that pressure off with our Social Media Content Plan. We create and post specific, seasonally appropriate posts to fill your socials each month. That’s right, we post. We create content that tells the story that needs to be told.
Merchandise Posts
Promotion Posts
Seasonal Appropriate Mssaging
Targeted Messages
(such as hiring, buying, etc.)
(such as hiring, buying, etc.)
Giveaway Posts
And yes, a funny meme or two 😉
Merchandise Posts
Promotion Posts
Seasonal Appropriate Mssaging
Targeted Messages
(such as hiring, buying, etc.)
(such as hiring, buying, etc.)
Giveaway Posts
And yes, a funny meme or two 😉
Merchandise Posts
Promotion Posts
Seasonal Appropriate Mssaging
Targeted Messages
(such as hiring, buying, etc.)
(such as hiring, buying, etc.)
Giveaway Posts
And yes, a funny meme or two 😉
This core plan takes the daily pressure off of you to create posts. You can supplement, if you like, with those gotta have them “Just In” pics of hot new items or your amazing staff. But if you want to “set if and forget it”, we’ll have you covered so any fans or followers will get an authentic, quality experience. Does it work? We think so! It’s all we do for our own stores and we think they are doing just fine!
The Instagram Algorithm has many moving parts and can be a lot to digest. The good news is you have us here at Hipbone Marketing! The way Instagram prioritizes personal feed is based on user engagement and general interests. Unlike Facebook, which operates on a “pay to play” basis, Instagram will prioritize business accounts if your followers are engaging and interacting with you. That leaves a lot of room for us!
So how do we achieve the holy grail of high engagement? There are several ways. Posting stories, running giveaways, crafty captions, call-to-actions, etc. Anything that will drive frequent user engagement so we can keep popping back up on our followers’ timelines. High engagement behavior is not based on one comment on one post, but their engagement with your business account overtime. The user has to like, click, or view your account frequently to always have your posts at the top of your feed.
Steady posting habits are key to high user engagement. Flooding your account every day with TONS of posts doesn’t mean that your followers will see you more. Actually it means that they will see you less and that the higher quality posts can get buried easily. The Instagram Algorithm is set up to space out your posts so that your followers don’t see multiple photos from one account in a row. If you post a lot in one day, then most of the time, your followers don’t even see all of your posts, because they are so spaced out from each other. One of our best practices includes quality over quantity, and we have the statistics on the following page to back up this approach.
Below in the first chart, you can see an account that has varying posting habits. Sometimes once per day, sometimes up to three times a day. On the days where this account has posted multiple photos, you see that the engagement line drops down in comparison to the previous day and the next day. That’s because Instagram spaced out our posts, and our followers most likely didn’t even see them all.

In the second chart, there is a consistent, steady, once-per-day posting habit. Notice how the engagement levels spike and are much higher compared to the previous chart. Since we only post once per day, we are not flooding our followers’ accounts and they are more likely to interact and engage with us. High engagement is the goal, and we believe we have the means of achieving it by consistent, quality posts.